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This article explores the advantages of video surveillance for caregivers and how home security cameras can help both your loved one and you as their care provider.

If you are caring for a loved one in Southern Colorado, you are balancing many responsibilities and are likely open to suggestions that will make your life easier. Video surveillance for caregivers can do just that.

All caregivers have many amazing attributes in common: compassion, empathy, and great love for the family or friends in their care. But that does not mean that caregiving does not come with challenges. One of the challenges that many face is trying to ensure the health and safety of their loved ones when they are not able to care for them personally.

‍Decrease Anxiety with Video Surveillance for Caregivers

First and foremost, using home security cameras can decrease anxiety for caregivers. The feeling of anxiousness is often what drives families to install surveillance systems in the first place.

With a video surveillance system in place, you can watch over your loved ones more closely and make sure that they are safe and sound. Having this extra level of reassurance will ease your anxiety and make you feel more confident in your role as a caregiver.

Video monitoring can be especially beneficial for caregivers of people with special needs, who have Alzheimer’s or another type of dementia, or seniors who may be prone to wandering or getting lost.

Security camera installation can provide extra peace of mind by letting the caregiver keep an eye on their loved one, whether they are inside the home or in the yard.

Video Surveillance Can Help Build a Caregiving History

Video surveillance systems can also help build a caregiving history for your loved one. Having a video history of your loved one’s daily activities can help you show a physician just how much assistance your loved one needs daily. This can help you get a more accurate diagnosis and assist you in qualifying for any available caregiving services.

A video history can also help if your loved one needs to move into a nursing home or hospice care facility. Having a history of your loved one’s everyday activities can help give their new care providers a better idea of what they can do daily.

Caregiving records and history in the form of video can allow your loved one to spend less time in the transition period of adjusting to a new level of care and more time actually receiving care.

Determine Changing Needs in Care

System Links - video surveillance for caregivers can help determine changing needs in care

As your loved ones age, their care needs will change. You can use video to help determine the best ways to address these changes.

Even if you’ve been caring for your loved one for years, a video surveillance system can provide a video history of your loved one’s daily routines. That history can help fill in gaps where your memory might be fuzzy on specific details.

For example, if your loved one struggles with eating every day and requires help from a caregiver, you can use a video recording to determine what’s causing the problem. You can then use that information to help you change your loved one’s eating process. Perhaps they have trouble holding a spoon steady or can’t see their food well enough to know if there is any left on their plate.

A video surveillance system pinpoints these and similar issues so you can make the necessary changes to give your loved one better care.

Detect Abuse and Help Caregivers Know When To Step In

Another great benefit of video surveillance for caregivers is detecting signs of abuse. While the great majority of in-home health care providers choose their profession because of their love and compassion for their fellow man, unfortunately, there are times when this is not the case. With a video surveillance system, you can keep tabs on your in-home healthcare provider and make sure they treat your loved ones with the respect they deserve.

If you notice that an in-home health care provider is treating your loved one harshly or making them do things out of their skill set, you may need to take action. Video footage can show other family members or friends what’s happening and let them know when they need to step in and help you with your loved one’s care, and even provide the video history to report your caregiver to the proper authorities.

Video surveillance can also help keep your elderly loved ones safe from theft and vandalism. This can help you avoid false alarms and make your home safer for everyone. In addition, this will give vulnerable individuals confidence that they are safe if they need to stay home alone.

Caregivers Can Monitor From Anywhere

Finally, one of the best benefits of video surveillance for caregivers is the ability to monitor your loved one from anywhere. Many video surveillance systems have features enabling you to monitor your home anywhere you have an internet connection. This means that you can keep an eye on your loved one while at the office, running errands, or away on vacation. Imagine no more worries about leaving your loved one alone for long periods if you can log in and check in on them remotely.

Many video surveillance systems can provide you with a live feed to watch whatever is happening in your loved one’s home in real-time. This can help you catch minor problems before they become huge issues that require you to leave work or cancel your plans to deal with them right away.

Are You Ready to Simplify Your Role as a Caregiver?

If you are a Colorado Springs caregiver looking for ways to balance your many responsibilities, video surveillance can be a great asset for both you and your loved ones. Professionally installed and maintained home security cameras can ease your anxiety for your loved one’s safety when you cannot look after them personally, help establish a history of care, and determine changing needs in care as they arise.

The first step to gain all the benefits of video surveillance for caregivers is to contact us to schedule a free, on-site video security consultation. We are a local, family-owned business that takes your family’s needs as seriously as our own. We look forward to helping you fulfill your important role as a caregiver!